Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Selangor Mission Trip! Mar 26 to Apr 7, 2007

Selangor Mission Trip! Mar 26 to Apr 7, 2007

Just gonna let you readers know, that our mission team comprising of TP and RP crusaders will be going on a mission trip to a multimedia University (MMU) Selangor from Mar 26 to Apr 7, 2007.

Our mission trip team is part of the "Gen 12II" project organied by Singapore Campus Crusade for Christ. Based on Gen 12:2, where Abraham was blessed by God so that he becomes a blessing to natons, we want to be a generation that seeks to bless others as God has richly blessed us!

We will be involved in helping the campus minstry at Multimedia University (MMU), reaching out to students by sharing the gospel to them through friendship building and other evanglestic activities or events. We also hope to encourage and bless the chrsitains there durng our mission trip.

Mission Team!
Irene (staff), Amber(staff), Bo chun (TL) , Maggie (ATL), Jacob, Estella, Jacqueline,Zhong Kai, Yuki ,Qiu Yun, Joel, Asriel, Benjamin,Wen Hao, Jia Liang and Michelle.

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